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DLCC Spends $3.5 Million to Flip Pennsylvania Blue

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee announced today the completion of investments totaling $3.5 million in the campaign for the Pennsylvania General Assembly, including independent expenditures and direct contributions. Despite maps rigged in their favor, Republicans are on the verge of losing their majorities in both the House and Senate, struggling to overcome President Trump’s toxic unpopularity in swing districts across the state. 

“The extremist Pennsylvania Republicans know their days are numbered,” said DLCC President Jessica Post. “They know that they’re going to lose ground this year. They have nothing to offer except obstructionism, and Pennsylvanians are ready to elect legislators that will actually work on solutions to the problems they face, not ones that just throw partisan tantrums.”

Despite Republican gerrymandering, Democrats flipped over a dozen seats from red to blue in 2018 and are poised to make further gains this year. If Democrats can flip nine House seats and four Senate seats, they will win complete control of the General Assembly for the first time in nearly two decades.

Throughout this year, Republicans have waged an unproductive war against Governor Wolf’s coronavirus response, spreading misinformation and even seeing an outbreak among their own members. Their struggle to respond to the crisis has only added to their record of obstructionism and extremism. 

Earlier this year, the top Republicans in both legislative chambers decided to call it quits, sensing likely losses on the horizon.

“Republicans are doing everything they can to stave off a historic loss in Pennsylvania this year, but their efforts are going to come up short,” added Post. “We’re going to hold them accountable for their disastrous record.”

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is the official Democratic organization dedicated to winning state legislative seats. Earlier this year, the DLCC announced its $50 million “Flip Everything” campaign, an unprecedented effort to win legislative majorities across the country. Since Donald Trump’s election, the DLCC and state partners have flipped more than 450 seats and 10 chambers from red to blue.
