Four Republican Insurrectionists Have Visited Arizona GOP’s “Fraudit”

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — Right-wing Virginia Senator Amanda Chase will become the latest insurrectionist to meet with organizers of the Arizona Senate GOP’s controversial and partisan “audit” of last November’s election results. Chase’s visit closely follows those of Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano, Alaska Representative David Eastman, and former Georgia Representative Vernon Jones as the “audit” develops even closer ties with the Trump-inspired “Stop the Steal” movement. 

Mastriano, Eastman, Jones, and Chase were all present at the insurrection in January; recently released footage suggests that Mastriano crossed a police barricade despite his earlier claims that he remained far from any violence. 

“Republicans are on the verge of taking their ridiculous wild goose chase for voter fraud on a national tour,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “Instead of working to help American families, the GOP continues to spread wild conspiracy theories and misinformation that will undermine election integrity and threaten the foundation of our democracy. Republicans who marched shoulder to shoulder with the mob that would later storm the Capitol have no place in elected office or anywhere near our elections. Shame on the Republicans who continue to let this charade drag on.”

The Arizona GOP’s “audit” has been compromised from the start, with the caucus hiring a company run by a “Stop the Steal” acolyte to oversee the process. Experts have detailed numerous problems with the effort, which has wasted time pursuing bizarre conspiracy theories. Newly disclosed emails showed Senate President Karen Fann touting Rudy Giuliani’s and Trump’s support for the “audit,” even as she affirmed to opponents that Biden had clearly won Arizona. Arizona Senator Paul Boyer, who supported the effort, has complained that the “audit” is “embarrassing” and “makes [them] look like idiots.”

Mastriano has already called for a similar partisan “audit” in Pennsylvania, and hardcore Trump supporters are pushing for these efforts in other states. 
