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ICYMI: New Hampshire GOP Moves to Block All Legislation

Press Releases


WASHINGTON — New Hampshire Republicans voted against changing upcoming legislative deadlines, blocking the Democratic-controlled House from passing any legislation. This move would halt all legislation currently being considered in New Hampshire — preventing dozens of bills from becoming law.

“State legislatures need to be able to pass desperately needed relief for their state. In a last-ditch power grab, the GOP’s actions break down the legislature’s ability to govern,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “This move shows the GOP’s callous disregard for constituents who need relief now. Their short-sighted decision to move forward with this process could delay much-needed help until the next legislative session, which will further damage the health, economy, and wellbeing of the Granite State. Republicans are abandoning the work they were elected to do, and voters will remember that in November.” 
