Insurrectionist VA Republican House Candidate Warns of Coming “Civil War”

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — Virginia Republican House candidate Marie March, who attended the January 6th insurrection, warned of a “coming Civil War” between “two completely opposite sides in America” and asserted “I personally will fight and die for my family.” The language March used in her Facebook post was inflammatory and dangerous, potentially leading to further violence and the degradation of our democracy. 

“These comments are alarming, but sadly it’s no longer surprising behavior from Republican candidates for office,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “The Virginia GOP is officially the party of insurrectionists and conspiracy theorists. Voters have a choice in November: they can either elect Democrats who will continue to move the commonwealth forward or radical, right-wing Republicans like Marie March who stoke fears of a pending civil war.”

Examples of March’s views on half of America and the majority of Virginians include: 

She concludes the post by asking, we are “on the precipice of a coming War, what do we have to lose?”

Of the twenty-one sitting Republican state legislators who were present at the insurrection, three were from Virginia, the most of any state. The DLCC has called for the Virginia GOP to condemn the insurrectionist lawmakers in their caucus but the RSLC has actively endorsed their candidacies.
