New Independent Analysis Tallies 361 Voting Restrictions in 47 States

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice released a bombshell new report showing that 361 bills to restrict voting have been introduced in 47 states — an increase of 43 percent since last month. This is just the latest evidence that Republicans are in the midst of a national voter suppression effort in the wake of their 2020 election loss. Republicans are continuing to use baseless conspiracy theories to introduce and pass restrictive voting laws specifically designed to target communities of color and younger voters. 

“These numbers should concern every American,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “These voter suppression bills aim to disenfranchise eligible voters and would do nothing to make our elections safer and more secure, which Republicans claim is their goal. It’s no coincidence that these proposals target communities of color and younger voters. Our democracy can only function if every American has an equal opportunity to make their voice heard.”

Last week, Republicans in Georgia passed an election bill that would outlaw offering food or drink to voters waiting in line. The measure also threatens the independence of local election boards and would give partisan elected officials more control over local election administration. In Iowa, Republicans cut the state’s early voting period and reduced polling hours on Election Day. The GOP is pushing similar restrictions in states like Texas, Arizona, and Florida. 

Republicans’ zeal for voter suppression stands in stark contrast to Democratic efforts to expand access to voting. Lawmakers in Virginia passed a state version of the Voting Rights Act, while New Jersey Democrats are expanding early voting, to name just a few examples.

Republicans’ push for “election integrity” is especially galling given that GOP elected officials at every level of the ballot tried to overturn last year’s presidential election results. Their relentless attempts to spread misinformation helped fuel the deadly insurrection on January 6th. If Republicans were serious about safeguarding American elections, they would stop spreading conspiracy theories.  
