RELEASE: As Republican National Convention Continues, Restricting Reproductive Care Through the States is a Cornerstone of Their Platform 

Press Releases

Half the states ban or restrict abortion due to GOP control of state legislatures– Trump would encourage more attacks on reproductive freedom

WASHINGTON —  As the Republican National Convention carries on this week,  anti-abortion extremism remains at the forefront of the MAGA agenda – charging the importance of state legislatures that shape the landscape of abortion rights. Trump has repeatedly promised to leave abortion decisions to the states, and his new running mate, JD Vance, supports extreme anti-abortion policies. 

The GOP playbook is to move their anti-woman MAGA agenda through state legislatures. Donald Trump Jr. stated at the convention just this week that the MAGA movement hopes to sweep statehouses alongside the Presidency this November, saying, “I want to win legislatures.” Republicans’ anti-abortion agenda is already being carried out in the states. Twenty-five states – all controlled by Republicans – have enacted laws to ban or restrict abortion earlier than the standard previously protected by Roe. Republican state legislatures have wielded their power to attack aspects of reproductive freedom beyond abortion too, including contraception and IVF.

The movement for reproductive freedom is at a critical juncture in state legislatures, where Democratic power can make a real difference in safeguarding reproductive care, especially with a potential Trump presidency looming. Since Roe fell, every Democratic legislative majority with Democratic control of both chambers has taken steps to protect or expand abortion rights. State-level Democrats are poised to pass legislation to fortify against attempts by a potential second Trump administration to undermine access to essential health care. 

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Interim Communications Director Sam Paisley issued the following statement:

“As Republicans gather in Milwaukee to outline their extreme and dangerous MAGA agenda, it is crystal clear that states will continue to decide the future of reproductive freedoms. Anyone worried about the dangers of a Trump presidency must direct their attention to their state legislature, where an army of MAGA loyalists are committed and already acting to make the worst of the MAGA agenda come true. 

“Republicans are poised to run their extreme anti-abortion agenda through the states, but the DLCC is ready and working to boost Democrats who can protect our rights in the states. We just launched a historic ‘Summer of the States’ campaign – a first-of-its-kind $10 million investment and public awareness push to boost Democratic victories from the bottom up this summer. Democratic power in the states is the most effective path to block anti-abortion legislation that the GOP pursues to make law of the land.”

The DLCC is the official arm of the Democratic Party with the sole mission of building Democratic power in the states and setting the national agenda at the state level. Over the last decade, we have fought cycle-over-cycle to gain a dozen new legislative chamber majorities and we are leading the effort to bring national attention and investment to our ballot level. State legislatures are the building blocks of our democracy and have the closest connections to Americans’ day-to-day lives. From protecting fundamental freedoms and voting rights to growing the middle class, the DLCC and state legislators are moving the Democratic agenda forward and shaping the future of this country.
