RELEASE: GOP’s Platform Will Further Enable State Republicans to Pass Anti-Democratic Legislation 

Press Releases

Trump’s MAGA allies in the states are at the forefront of his plan to undermine democracy 

WASHINGTON — While Republicans plot ways to undermine democracy and weaken our election systems at the Republican National Convention, the GOP agenda to gut voting rights is and will continue to be led by state legislatures. Trump’s first term inspired Republicans at the state level to challenge election results and suppress voting and a second Trump term would only further enable coordination of anti-democratic legislation in the states. 

From the fake elector plots and election challenges that ran through state legislators to Donald Trump Jr.’s statements at the convention just this week that the MAGA movement hopes to sweep statehouses alongside the Presidency this November, saying, “I want to win legislatures,” it is clear the MAGA agenda runs through the states. 

Even in states with slim majorities, Republicans are already advancing extreme legislation. This year, GOP lawmakers in Arizona introduced a proposal that would empower the state legislature to override the popular vote in a presidential election and appoint presidential electors of their choice while New Hampshire Republicans utilized their trifecta power to pass a restrictive voter ID bill that is sure to disproportionately impact voters from marginalized communities. 

As we stare down the potential of a Trump presidency, Democrats in state legislatures will continue to block anti-democratic bills pushed by Trump’s MAGA allies, and pass proactive legislation to strengthen every fact of elections. Democratic-controlled legislatures such as Minnesota have expanded access to the ballot box through automatic voter registration, while states like Michigan have fortified the process by which they certify the state’s election results to avoid partisan interference. When vilification of election workers surged due to Trump’s rhetoric, Democratic-led Michigan and Nevada criminalized intimidation of election workers. Electing Democrats to state legislatures in November is the strongest way to fortify democracy no matter the outcome of races up the ballot. 

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Interim Communications Director Sam Paisley issued the following statement:

“Emboldened by a Trump agenda that is proud to undermine democratic institutions for political gain, Republicans in state legislatures are sure to continue undermining voting rights and elections. The legislative elections this year will determine what democracy looks like and the contrast between Republicans and Democrats is shocking. In the event of a Trump presidency, Democratic legislatures will work swiftly to strengthen voting rights, protect election workers, and fortify democracy for the generations to come.  The DLCC has a plan in place to prevent a MAGA takeover of our statehouses. We just launched a historic ‘Summer of the States’ campaign – a first-of-its-kind $10 million investment and public awareness push to boost Democratic chances in November. Building Democratic power in the states is the best defense for our democracy.”

The DLCC is the official arm of the Democratic Party with the sole mission of building Democratic power in the states and setting the national agenda at the state level. Over the last decade, we have fought cycle-over-cycle to gain a dozen new legislative chamber majorities and we are leading the effort to bring national attention and investment to our ballot level. State legislatures are the building blocks of our democracy and have the closest connections to Americans’ day-to-day lives. From protecting fundamental freedoms and voting rights to growing the middle class, the DLCC and state legislators are moving the Democratic agenda forward and shaping the future of this country.
