RELEASE: The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Announces Indiana House Spotlight Candidate to Counter GOP Extremism

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — Today, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) announced Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser as our Spotlight candidate in Indiana as she runs to defend her seat in the House and counter Republican extremism in the GOP-controlled Indiana House. 

Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser (HD-71) is an economic development expert running to defend her seat in the Indiana House. Wendy spent over a decade as President & CEO of a regional chamber of commerce in southern Indiana, helping businesses to thrive. Wendy will continue to be a strong voice for sound economic policies that uplift working families and lay the groundwork for prosperity for generations to come.

Republicans in Indiana have used their control of the legislature to pass a bill that challenges college professors’ ability to teach accurate curriculum and could lead to educators leaving the state. Republicans have also left Indiana women behind, allowing a near-total abortion ban to go into effect, and killing a proposal to eliminate the burdensome “pink tax” – despite Indiana having one of the highest state tax rates on tampons and other period products. In 2023, four  anti-LGBTQ+ bills went into law, earning the state a ‘high risk’ ranking for LGBTQ+ people. 

The DLCC’s Spotlight candidates represent some of the best opportunities across the country to build Democratic power to combat MAGA extremism. This announcement continues the momentum of DLCC’s “Summer of the States” campaign, which launched last month to call attention to the critical window to build the infrastructure for Democrats to push past Republican efforts and boost our chances for victory in November. Rep. Dant Chesser joins hundreds of candidates who are mounting inspiring campaigns in every corner of the country to build Democratic power and counter MAGA control of state legislatures. 

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Heather Williams issued the following statement:

“Hoosiers cannot trust the GOP majority in the Indiana House to act in their best interests or to move the state forward. Democrats like Rep. Dant Chesser, who are committed to countering GOP extremism and advancing progressive policies that protect freedoms, are exactly what Indiana needs. While Republicans lean hard into MAGA extremism and neglect pressing problems, Democrats in state legislatures put their communities first. The DLCC is proud to champion Wendy’s bid for reelection as we work to build Democratic power block by block, seat by seat, in states around the country.”

The DLCC is the official arm of the Democratic Party with the sole mission of building Democratic power in the states and setting the national agenda at the state level. Over the last decade, we have fought cycle-over-cycle to gain a dozen new legislative chamber majorities and we are leading the effort to bring national attention and investment to our ballot level. State legislatures are the building blocks of our democracy and have the closest connections to Americans’ day-to-day lives. From protecting fundamental freedoms and voting rights to growing the middle class, the DLCC and state legislators are moving the Democratic agenda forward and shaping the future of this country.
