SPECIAL ELECTION WATCH: Voters Will Soon Head to the Polls in Two Majority-Deciding Specials in Battleground States

Press Releases

Out-of-touch billionaires are major funders of extremism and divisive culture wars in state legislatures

The Minnesota House and Pennsylvania House are both top chambers on the DLCC’s target map 

WASHINGTON— Voters in Minnesota and Pennsylvania will soon vote in special elections this month that will determine the balance of power in two ultra-competitive lower chambers. 
Defending Democratic power in the Minnesota House and Pennsylvania House are top priorities for the DLCC, which placed both chambers on our target map

On March 11th, DLCC Spotlight Candidate David Gottfried’s special election would restore a tie in the Minnesota House. 
David’s win would reflect the will of voters who elected an equal number of Democrats and Republicans in November.
 The DLCC announced a $100k investment into the Minnesota House DFL Caucus to lay the foundation to expand the DFL’s power in the House in 2026.

On March 25th, DLCC Spotlight Candidate Dan Goughnour is running in a special that will determine control of the Pennsylvania House.
Democrats defended their 1-seat majority in Pennsylvania in 2024, and the current vacancy has left the chamber tied.
The DLCC has played a key role in protecting the chamber, including through 8 majority-making special elections last cycle. 

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Heather Williams issued the following statement:

“The DLCC is no stranger to majority-making special elections, and with such slim margins in two of our top priority chambers, we aren’t taking anything for granted. Taking advantage of high-stakes majority-making special elections at the state legislative level like these is a key part of building durable Democratic power. In state legislatures across the country, Democrats are making incredible progress on the issues that matter most to working families, and the DLCC is focused on these races to ensure Minnesota and Pennsylvania Democrats can continue advocating for a brighter future for their communities.”

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) is the official Democratic Party committee dedicated to winning America’s state legislatures and building state infrastructure. Over the last decade, we have fought cycle-over-cycle to gain a dozen new legislative chamber majorities and we are leading the effort to bring national attention and investment to our ballot level. State legislatures are the building blocks of our democracy and have the closest connections to Americans’ day-to-day lives. From protecting fundamental freedoms and voting rights to growing the middle class, the DLCC and state legislators are moving the Democratic agenda forward and shaping the future of this country.