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The DLCC Celebrates the 12 Year Anniversary of the ACA

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act 12 years ago, 31 million Americans have gained access to health care thanks in part to state Democrats across the country who have fought for a more accessible, affordable, and just health care system. In stark contrast, Republicans in 12 states have continued to refuse to expand Medicaid, blocking millions of Americans from life-saving access to health care and denying their states the jobs and economic benefits of Medicaid expansion. 

“Democrats are the party of health care. When Democrats control state legislatures, they expand Medicaid, lower costs, and provide popular policies that aid working families,” DLCC President Jessica Post said. “Republicans have spent the last 12 years fighting the ACA, keeping health care inaccessible and unaffordable for millions of Americans in their states. Democrats understand that health care accessibility is often the difference between life and death for most families. That is why Democrats continue to fight for a more just health care system, enshrine Medicaid expansion, and lower medical costs for the Americans who need it most.” 

Twelve years later, twelve states controlled by obstructionist Republicans would rather derail a popular Democratic initiative than expand health care access to millions within their states. This means individuals making up to $17,774 per year or a family of four making up to $36,570 lack access to affordable health care through Medicaid. Because of this refusal to extend coverage, Texas leads the nation’s uninsured rate at 17.3% while the national uninsured rate was just 8.7%. Just this month, Republicans in Mississippi shot down an opportunity to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage, which has been proven to reduce maternal mortality rates, and Republicans in Kentucky’s House passed restrictive work requirements for Medicaid eligibility. In Missouri, after attempting to ignore the will of the voters and refusing to implement Medicaid expansion, Republicans are once again attacking the program the state supreme court ordered go into effect.
