The DLCC Uplifts Medicaid Awareness Month While Republicans Deny Care for Millions of Americans

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — April is Medicaid Awareness month and another opportunity to highlight the life-saving program that helps ensure access to care for millions of Americans and a broad spectrum of individuals who need it most – including millions of children and seniors. Despite its success and popularity, 12 states with GOP-controlled legislatures continue to refuse to expand Medicaid, blocking millions from life-saving health care and denying their states the jobs and economic benefits of Medicaid expansion. 

“Democrats understand the humanizing impact of Medicaid and are fiercely touting the economic and health benefits expansion will have on children, families, and millions of the most vulnerable,” DLCC President Jessica Post said. “State Democrats across the country are working towards a more just health care system, one that cuts costs for hard-working Americans and extends restorative care to those who need it most. Meanwhile, 12 Republican states still continue to block Medicaid expansion, and state Republicans in Missouri, Kentucky, and Mississippi are actively working to make it harder to have access to care and lower medical costs. Against the backdrop of Republicans’ attacks on LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive health care, Republicans’ inaction on Medicaid expansion demonstrates the GOP’s cruel and regressive agenda.” 

Expanding Medicaid not only creates a more accessible and just health care system, it also cuts costs and helps families and states save. In expansion states, Medicaid has extended care to millions of previously uninsured people and lessened the economic burden on state budgets. The so-called deficit hawk Republicans who actively hinder and deny Medicaid expansion in their states are doing so to the detriment of millions of Americans and the economic viability of their states.
