Washington Sell-Out Mary Margaret Kastelberg will Kill Gun Safety

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is warning Virginia voters that Republican General Assembly candidate Mary Margaret Kastelberg’s evolution on gun safety will be meaningless if she’s elected and Republicans retain control of the majority.

“Mary Margaret Kastelberg’s new-found support of gun safety is meaningless as long as she plans to support Cox or any other of her NRA sell-out Republican colleagues for speaker,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee press secretary Matt Harringer.

Kastelberg has sold out her campaign to mega-donors opposed to gun safety. She’s taken $98,000, more than half of her campaign cash, from Speaker Kirk Cox’s leadership committee and the Washington-based Republican State Leadership Committee — both vehemently opposed to gun safety. 

“Kastelberg’s entire campaign is funded by avid opponents of gun safety,” Harringer said. “It’s clear she’ll be just another vote for Speaker Cox or a pro-gun radical — and just another pawn in the NRA’s plan to kill gun safety.” 

Kastelberg Donors

More than 50% of Kastelberg’s donations are from Speaker Cox & the RSLC

While a majority of Kastelberg’s donations have come from mega donors, her Democratic opponent Rodney Willett’s campaign is being fueled by grassroots support.  Willet has received 1,371 grassroots donations of $100 or less, compared to Kastelberg’s anemic 46 grassroots donations.

“Virginians can see right through Mary Margaret Kastelberg’s election-year conversion on gun safety, which is why she has less than 50 grassroots supporters,” Harringer said. “Willet and Democrats have the momentum in this blue district and will win despite Kastelberg’s mock moderation.”

Willet and Kastelberg are running in House District 73 to replace Delegate Debra Rodman, who flipped the district blue in 2017 by less than a thousand vote margin. 
