There’s a lot going on, so every Wednesday, the DLCC is sending a roundup of the state legislative stories you might have missed. It's April 14th, and here is the state of the states.
One America News conspiracy theorists are soliciting donations for the effort
GOP lawmakers are increasingly living in a different reality
The committee raised $3.7 million and broke its odd-year online fundraising record in Q1
WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is announcing two new senior staff members as the committee prepares for the 2021-22 election cycle.
Joe Biden won Arizona, but Republicans cannot let it go
While Republicans move to suppress voting, Democratic majorities are expanding voting access
State of the States: Virginia is for Lovers…of Progress There’s a lot going on, so every Wednesday, the DLCC is sending a roundup of the state legislative stories you might have missed. ...
Meet fifteen incumbents in critical races to keep Virginia blue