🎵 They’re creepy, and they’re kooky, mysterious, and spooky, they’re altogether ooky, the MAGA family. They waged an insurrection, now undermine elections, quite the hateful collection, the ...
WASHINGTON — Late last week, photos resurfaced that appear to show Arizona Republican nominee for LD-9 (House) Mary Ann Mendoza wearing costumes that display deeply rooted racial stereotypes. This ...
They did the mash, they did the GOP monster mash. An election lie rehash! A subpoena-dodging dash! Abortion ban trash! With the Halloween season in full swing and nearly three weeks until Election ...
WASHINGTON — With just a few weeks left until Election Day, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is releasing a strategy memo outlining the state of play for state legislatures and ...
WASHINGTON — After launching its Threats to Democracy website last month, the DLCC is updating its database to reflect the more than 750 GOP Threats to Democracy and 25 confirmed insurrectionists ...
WASHINGTON — Yesterday, seven New Hampshire House Republicans voted in favor of moving a bill that would allow men to block abortions through court injunctions, including Republicans in competitive ...
WASHINGTON — DLCC President Jessica Post appeared on CSPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the DLCC’s efforts to elect Democrats to statehouses across the country, the challenges candidates are ...
With the Halloween season in full swing just under a month until Election Day, things are getting SPOOKY. Ghouls, goblins, GOP lawmakers — there’s a lot of scary stuff in the states, so the DLCC ...
As MAGA extremism has become the status quo of the Republican Party, the GOP has put its support behind increasingly dangerous and outrageous state legislative candidates across the country. New ...
WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and its affiliated organizations raised nearly $9.9 million in the third quarter of the year, reaching a cycle total of $45 million at its ...