DLCC Election Update (as of 11/28/18 @ 8AM)
As results continue to roll in, here's what you need to know...
As results continue to roll in, here's what you need to know...
The DLCC breaks down need-to-know statehouse results. As results come in, here's what you need to know...
Today the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) released an Election Day by the Numbers fact sheet showing state Democrats have flipped more than 380 state legislative seats from red to ...
The DLCC breaks down need-to-know statehouse results. As results come in, here's what you need to know...
With some results outstanding, the DLCC and Pennsylvania Senate Democrats have shattered the Republican supermajority in the state Senate, flipping at least five seats from red to blue with an ...
The DLCC break's down need-to-know statehouse results. As results come in, here's what you need to know...
The DLCC and state Democrats have changed the face of power in state legislatures across the country. So far this cycle, the DLCC has regained majorities in seven chambers and flipped 350 seats from ...
The DLCC and Minnesota House Democrats have flipped the state House from red to blue.
The DLCC and Michigan Senate Democrats have busted Republicans’ supermajority in the state Senate, picking up five seats in the chamber - the highest number of Democratic seat pickups since 1974. ...
The DLCC breaks down tonight's need-to-know statehouse results. As results come in, here's what you need to know...