WASHINGTON — With the Nevada Assembly breaking for Democrats, Democrats have officially defended all of their majorities in this midterm year for the first time since at least 1934 and likely ever. ...
WASHINGTON — The Nevada Assembly just broke for Democrats, keeping full control of Nevada’s legislature in Democratic hands. Republicans named the Nevada Assembly as one ...
WASHINGTON — Nevada Democrats just successfully defended their majority in the Senate. Republicans named Nevada as one of its flip targets this cycle and inundated the state with ...
WASHINGTON — Last night, during live coverage of MSNBC’s Decision 2022, Symone Sanders celebrated the DLCC and its stunning performance in this weeks elections. Due to strategic ...
WASHINGTON — Democrats scored key victories in state legislative races, bucking midterm trends to flip the Michigan and Minnesota legislatures red to blue while defending Democratic ...
WASHINGTON — Oregon Democrats just successfully defended their majority in the Senate. Republicans named Oregon as one of their targets to flip this cycle, pumping nearly $10 ...
WASHINGTON — The Washington House and Senate just broke for Democrats, keeping control of Washington’s full legislature in Democratic hands for another two years. ...
WASHINGTON — After a historic night that saw state Democrats flip both chambers of the Michigan legislature for the first time since the 1980s, deliver a Democratic trifecta in Minnesota for ...
WASHINGTON — The Michigan House and Senate just broke for Democrats, giving the party complete control of the Michigan legislature for the first time in a generation. The DLCC worked ...
WASHINGTON — Michigan Democrats just flipped enough seats to win control of the Michigan House for the first time since 2008. The DLCC identified the Michigan House as a top target early last ...